Sunday, 21 July 2013

Stupid Funny Quotes

Stupid Funny Quotes

 A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
If you don't do anything stupid when you're young, you won't remember something funny when you're old...
I know I should respect your choice, but I'm finding it hard not to think you're being an idiot.
You must be a special kind of stupid to think acting like a jerk is attractive to girls.
A group of idiots led by a wise man can defeat a group of wise people led by an idiot.
Sorry, sarcasm falls out of my mouth, like stupidity falls out of yours.
There are two things eternal. Human stupidity and the universe. And I'm not even sure about the universe
I may not know everything, and I have never pretended I do, but please don't treat me like I'm stupid it's very insulting.
I wouldn't have to manage my anger if only people could learn how to manage their stupidity.
Common sense is not a gift,it is a punishment,because,we have to deal with every one, who does not have it.
Ignorance can be educated. Crazy can be medicated... But there is no cure for stupid.
I've finally figured it out... No, you're not stupid, you just have an extremely poor understanding of people and this thing called feelings.
It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite.
A clever wife often sleeps with a stupid husband.
You can't argue with stupidity.
Here's all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid.
Does anyone know the number to 911?
The word swag is soo stupid. Swag is just a way for a man, to call another man sexy, and not feel gay about it.
I feel so proud of myself, see I bought a Rubik cube and finished it in 6 months while the box said 3-4 years...
The definition of being stupid: seeing the truth, knowing the truth, and choosing to still believe the lies.
Smart phones, smart cars, smart televisions... when are they going to start making smart people?
Staying with someone that doesn't appreciate you isn't's stupidity...
Sarcasm is just one of the many services I offer to people who ask dumb questions.
Life is hard, but it's harder if you're stupid.
The strawberry shampoo doesnt taste as good as it smells.
I've seen a lot of girls who are stuck with a guy they love but all I can say is don't let love be an excuse to be in a shitty relationship...
Arrogance is the art to be proud on his own stupidity.
A stupid person laughs three times at a joke; once when everyone else is laughing, a second time when he actually gets the joke, and a third time when he realizes he was laughing without getting the joke at first.
I hate when girls act dumb because they think it's cute.
If You Don't Want A SARCASTIC Answer, Don't Ask A STUPID Question...
Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
Haters really dont have their own lifes actually. Why? Because they are so focused to live in yours.
On internet you can be anything you want, its strange that so many people choose to be stupid...
The only victories which leave no regret are those which are gained over ignorance.
Kindly enjoy cool funny sayings and quotes ..
Hope is a good thing - maybe the best thing, and no good thing ever dies
You can't deny laughter, when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants. -Stephen King
Never underestimate the power of an extremely pissed off woman - Anonymous
I try not to laugh at my own jokes, but we all know i am hilarious. - Anonymous
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Its just that yours is stupid.
When i am reading book and someone asks what i am reading, i never answer them. I just hold up the cover for them. - Anonymous
I would retaliate against your snotty remarks, but since you resemble a garden gnome, i would say the joke is on you.
If you're not good santa doesn't bring you many presents. Like, if you kill someone - that's pretty bad. Then you only get a yayo.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail.. but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, Man, that was fun.
A guy make s a woman come, it is a talent.. A woman makes a guy come, its a standard.
I am not telling you its going to be easy, i am telling you its going to be worth it.
Sarcasm: the ability to insult idiots without them realizing it.
Dependant yes, But also deductible.
Its all good except for poo poo. (Kids sayings) - Delia
Smile don’t frown Look up don’t look down Believe in yourself Don’t let yourself go Just be who you are And let your live flow.
I’m not a fighter. I usually smile and then go into my room and cry my eyes out.
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
A smile confuses an approaching frown.
You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.
If you’re not using your smile, you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook.
Even if I am in a bad mood I have to smile and be nice to the fans.
A smile is a language that even a baby understands.
Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.
A girl you proposed, saying I am not a good girl for you, you can find a nice girl better than me is like An IPHONE seller saying you can find China mobile better than IPHONE.

Stupid Funny Quotes 

Stupid Funny Quotes 

Stupid Funny Quotes

Stupid Funny Quotes 

Stupid Funny Quotes 

Stupid Funny Quotes

Stupid Funny Quotes 

Stupid Funny Quotes

Stupid Funny Quotes

Stupid Funny Quotes 

Stupid Funny Quotes



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